Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I am in total awe of Baby DIVA.


Today my darling sweet angel turns 1 year old. I can not believe 1 year has gone by. I have watched for the past 365 days as this helpless creature came in to the world barely able to open her own eyes. I have watched as she learned about life and grew into a tiny little person under the guidance of myself and H4L. I have watched as her little personality has crept up on us all and we can see hidden pieces of ourselves embedded in her mind as well as a whole new branch of a person growing each day. (those little fits of frustration arms flailing and red faced when she doesn't get her way, totally from me). I watched as she found her hands and the joy that embraced her soul as this new "toy" entertained her. (And the look on her face when she realized she could grab daddy's phone and mommy's remote are totally priceless). I watched her face glow with shock and amazement when she rolled over the first time and then realized she could do it again and again. (all the way to the kitchen when mom wasn't looking or off the side of the bed during a wardrobe change). I watched with great anticipation as she took her first bite of pureed peas and thus opened a door to her future culinary loves. (and all the fabulous messes that could be made by the awesome game of "toss your lunch"). I watched as she found out there is a whole world around her to explore and I watched the excitement her body glowed with as she enveloped herself in this fabulous world. I watched as she quickly learned to climb and reach the remote that H4L and I thought we so strategically hid. I watched as she took her first few steps and blurted out "Mama" and "Dada". I watch with tears of joy as my darling baby DIVA becomes more and more independent and grows into a young woman. I am in awe of my perfect little girl. I am amazed. I am honored to be her mother. As I think about it, I cry. I realize there are no words that can describe the amazing, fabulous, joyful love of a mother to her Baby DIVA.

Today I will spend and entire day only devoted to my precious Baby DIVA. No cleaning. no errands. No mommy needs a time out. Just pure bliss watching, playing with, talking to and loving the wonderful I love so dearly! Today is truly a day to be thankful for her little hands, toes and sweet little voice. And the greatest of all her laughter!


Hello there World! I HAVE ARRIVED!!!


Proud Daddy!


So tiny! So perfect! My Baby DIVA!

Mommy daddy and amelia
And then there was 3!

The DIVA as of NOW!


  1. Awww! Happy Birthday sweet Baby Diva!! It's amazing to see how much they change and learn in just a short, 365 days!!

    Enjoy your day of bliss! ;)


  3. Happy birthday, Baby Diva!!!! What a sweet post.

  4. Aww Happy Birthday little one! Hope you all have a great day. Here's to a new year of new adventures :-)

  5. Happy birthday baby girl! Awww that is so sweet it goes by so fast!

    My oldest baby is 15. Cherish every minute with her awwww too sweet.

    I haven't tried the lasagna yet I did write it down for after thanksgiving... :)

    Happy Thankgiving!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday, Baby Diva!!!
    She is tooo cute for words ~ seriously ;)


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