Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

I look at these pictures sometimes and wonder what it would be like if...

There were two of them...

If I awoke each day to Baby DIVA #1 and #2...

And then I find myself frightened...
But quickly I return to reality when I realize just 1 wild and crazy Baby DIVA is more than enough!
Happy Wednesday!!


  1. Hehehe - I certainly have a ton of respect and awe for moms of multiples. I was very happy to have one at a time.

  2. Cute pics~ I too wonder how moms with multiples manage.....

  3. My mother would often look at parents of multiples and state, "I think I would open a vein!!" Ha! The ONE you've got's a cutie!!

  4. I actually wanted triplets when i found out we were pregnant! I have no idea what I was thinking. Multiples parents are amazing!!

  5. Yeah, having more than one of my son is pure insanity. A cool idea, but in reality...wowo....

  6. Well I can tell you its not as hard as some think having twins, just twice as much stuff and twice as much drama, lol!!

  7. Ha, what a funny observation. Yup, whenever I thought, "Wouldn't twins be fun?" I would slap myself and shake myself back to reality.


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