I really do try and teach my kids daily, entertain them, sing to them, dance with, get creative with them and show them the world. But honestly I am just human. I am just a fluffy pink haired momma who also is a wife and a woman and daughter and many days I find myself at a loss for what to do to engage my little sponges of knowledge. I find it extra hard to figure out a plan of action when it is say raining or too cold to go outside (not that this has been a problem at ALL here in Texas lately), and my kids are going bonkers while I try to rummage through the thoughts of my frustrated mind for something to do. Insanity and time outs usually follow, and really?? what is the fun in that.
In order to try and keep this scream fest from rearing its ugly head, I spent the tail end of 2011 putting together a plan of attack for 2012. NOT A RESOLUTION. Just a "Tool" to help me as a momma, be better at what I do: Raise and teach my kids while having fun everyday.
Thanks to Oopsey Daisy Mommy School and Homeschool Creations, and many others I will mention as their help is revealed, I found tons of great theme packs. Each came with a skeleton of a plan/idea for me to get started. I took these fantastic plans, spent some time on pinterest and devised a weeks worth of crafts, educational lessons, songs, books, foods etc. corresponding with the specific theme and jumbled them all together in my organized momma box. Now, each week I can pull a file from my momma box and have at my fingertips more than enough activities, not only to work on with my kids daily as learning exercises, but also to use as a magic tool when the screams are flowing and my brain is gone and I NEED to re direct the mind of a 3 year old and 8 month old.
We started our first week with Robots and had a marvelous time. We built a robot "botty" out of formula cans and boxes. We enjoyed a snack of marshmallow robots and we learned all about the letter "R" with this lovely Robot theme pack. Going in to each week I know we have more than enough activities to do. Therefore if a day goes by and we do nothing from the momma box but instead hit the park, that is okay. Come the end of the week the file gets placed back in the momma box and ready for action when needed.
"Teching" out our robot
Marshmallow Bots
"Botty" spent a little bit of time in time out because he wouldn't turn on. Our tots live in a TECH generation man!
I really like having this tool on hand. It helps me feel more structured and keeps me focused in providing my children with fun learning experiences no matter the day or time. I also notice that the mental stimulation is helping keep my 3 year old from driving ME bonkers on any given day. And more importantly, I find myself enjoying watching my daughters learn and grow right before my eyes.