Thursday, June 10, 2010

Baby DIVA Digs K'NEX

Before Baby DIVA popped into my world I was completely child knowledge clueless; okay not that I really know what is going on now either, but at least I now know what a Binky is. This ignorance on rearing children also translates into ignorance in the toy department. I have no idea what toddlers want to play with. I mean seriously, I find really cool bouncing zebra's or fabulous dolls complete with personalized bottles and books a bountiful; only to discover Baby DIVA is quite content with a water bottle and a ring of keys. What the heck?

A couple of weeks ago the incredibly fantabulous company K'NEX shot me an email. "Pink Haired Momma, would you be interested reviewing some of our products with Baby DIVA?" Hmmmm I thought, What is K'NEX ? Thanks to my Swagbucks search engine, I discovered that K'NEX is an amazing line of toys for the imaginative minded child, aka Baby DIVA. The website states " K'NEX is the next generation of construction sets. It inspires creativity, builds self-confidence and encourages interaction among children and parents. The possibilities are endless!"


I agreed to the proposal of reviewing K'NEX toys and within a few short days had a box of goodies arrive at my door. Baby DIVA and I tore open the box and dug in with the quickness! ELMO!! Hot diggity dog! Baby DIVA found an Elmo K'NEX set and pleaded with me to "play" right now. So we sat right down in the middle of the floor and got busy. Momma and daughter interacted gracefully while activating our fabulous imaginations as we constructed piece by piece the cutest ELMO ever.


Baby DIVA Creatin'

I was very impressed with how Baby DIVA interacted with the product. The K'NEX pieces were a great size for her petite toddler hands. She was able to grasp each piece and connect them to one another with great ease and contentment, not tantrums! SCORE! We used our creative juices and built Elmo, a few laughs and a series of claps and Baby DIVA was hooked. She then began to deconstruct Elmo and slowly place one piece in the Elmo container at a time. A lovely time consuming clean up process, that is perfect to eat up a few minutes before nap time. Total Fabulousness!


The pieces are just the right size for tiny tot hands, yet big enough to stay clear of choking hazards

Overall I am very impressed with my first experience with K'NEX. The packaging is user friendly meaning I can get the item open in toddler time. No having to get the jaws of life to remove the toy. The product is also quite user friendly and invokes a imaginative response from my little toddler. Baby DIVA engaged in learning while trying to assemble Elmo, but also came up with her own creative entertainment such as sticking Elmo's arm up her nose. I am thrilled that she is spreading her wings and grasping new concepts. I would recommend K'NEX to anyone with kiddos. And I look forward to exploring more products from K'NEX.


  1. How cool! I remember these toys being like 8-10 age range when I was younger (but older than 8-10). I once built a KNEX roller coaster set with my little brother. Now those characters are adorable!

  2. I have heard of these things! Will have to try it out!


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