Monday, May 10, 2010


The other day I was driving around town pretending to do something constructive, grumpy, caffeine deprived, had Baby DIVA and Kdude loudly chatting in the backseat. I was on the verge of being the grumpy Pink Haired Momma. The traffic was working my nerves, I had a headache trying to come on, I was just plain yucky grump.

Then at a red light, which no doubt I had some choice words to shout at when it brought me to a halt, gave me the ticket I needed on this grumptified day. A school bus of children, (cause that is going to help any ones grumpy day, right?), was parked right in front of me at this red light. Through the windows I could see all the children laughing, giggling, smiling, goofing off with one another, having the time of their lives, on that bus. I have no idea where they were going; to school, on a field trip, perhaps it was just a large family with their own school bus that is used as a means to transport the family to the grocery store, who knows. What I do know is, in those few moments, watching the laughter through the glass, seeing the innocence of the children, the hunger for life, the live for the moment and love every second attitude that those kids possessed at this torturous stopping point in my world, forced me out of my grump and brought about the light.
The light turned green indicating it was time to go forward; and in my mind I went forward. I let myself go forward in my mind, forward to laughter, forward to loving the sounds from Baby DIVA and Kdude in the backseat, forward to enjoying the traffic as it blessed me with more time to hear those fabulous sounds from these wonderful children in my car. Forward to appreciating, loving and cherishing every second of life and not feeling grump what-so-ever. So lovely.

And then I spilled my cold Red Bull in my lap. Game over! Grump back on!

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