Thursday, April 15, 2010

Garden update

The best little Gardner!

There is something growing in my yard! Seriously! Lots of somethings actually! I am very pleased to announce that so far, nothing has croaked. We even have a few strawberries almost ready for the pickin'! I DID IT! I growed real food! Okay so maybe it is not food yet, BUT it is on the way!

**Must let you know that I wrote this blog post and went outside to snap a picture of my almost ripe strawberries, only to find a DANG BIRD snagged it before me! AHHHHHH!!!**

Purple Potato

My Favorite pot!


  1. i'm so jealous!! i usually can;t plant anything here until about mid may :o(

  2. I love seeing all of the gardening pictures right now.

    I am giving out awards if you want to stop by...

    Have a great day....

  3. Quite possibly the cutest little gardener too!


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