Friday, December 24, 2010

Case of the missing cookies

What does one do when they bake 2 dozen sugar cookies to use when making melted snowman cookies for Christmas, only to discover this when returning to fetch said cookies for decorating???

Ooops. Guess I should have decorated immediately instead of waiting a day. H4L and Baby DIVA found my stash!

So instead I made Oreo Truffles and Peanut Butter Balls. YUM!!

Step one: Balls are formed

Step 2: Dunk balls in chocolate and harden in fridge

Step 3: Admire and consume!

Merry Christmas Eve! Enjoy spending SWEET time with you loved ones while stuffing yourself with SWEETS!!

1 comment:

  1. My boy was so QUIET when he helped me decorate the sugar cookies. He is in heaven.


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