Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Time out for Mom
I AM EITHER ON MY WAY OR ALREADY IN LAS VEGAS FOR MY WEDDING, depending on when you read this of course. And yes I cheated and set this to post Thursday, when really in fact I am writing in on Wednesday. So sue me!
I followed my orders from the fabulous Theta Mom and snagged some time to myself! I know incredibly hard to believe that this Pink Haired Momma Bridezilla actually got a few moments alone the week of her wedding!!!! But honestly I really didnt want Theta Mom coming after me and cracking her wooden spoon to remind me that wedding, mommahood, life...none of that matters if I dont remember to take care of myself! And that is what Theta Mom really wants us moms to realize and to incorporate into our lives by taking this challenege each week and giving ourselves, as momma's, that 1 hour of time we need to keep our sanity level in check!
So what did I do? Flab shaking! Yep I took myself again to my favorite Nightclub Cardio class and boogied down. I baked 2 dozen yummy red velvet iced with vanilla and decorated with Skull cupcakes for Hubbs-to-be to take to work. Cleaned the house. Got almost packed for our Las Vegas Journey. Ordered up our best ever baby sitter who raced right over and off I went to shake my butt rolls!! Now somehow I have managed to get a little stress fracture in one of the tiny bones in my right foot, I know classic for a bride walking down the aisle in 3 days, so I just didn't bounce too much on that foot. I just pretend that it is nothing LOL! But I shook my bootie and got my rolls a swinging! I Love it!
Shake shake shake, Shake shake shake, shake that pink haired momma fat shake that pink haired momma fat!!
I hope you momma's snagged you some Theta Mom time too this week. I am not going to lie. I will not be reading your posts today because I am in LAS VEGAS about to get married!! But I do promise I will be hunting those time out posts down when I get back and will run off and tattle to Theta mom if you didn't steal some alone time for yourself! heheheeheh!!
Have a great week my friends!! And fabulous Halloween and I cant wait to share when we get back! I will be updating about the wedding via FB and twitter so stay tuned!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Defining Moments
So 1 year ago today I checked into the hospital for one of my infusions for the CIDP I have (or as many of you know that may be dormant now!!!). While being pregnant the doctors liked to have me in the hospital, just in case, during these infusions. And you know I didn't mind being there so much too, just in case. After arriving chaos ensued, of course. The orders for my medicine were not complete, big surprise, so I had to wait. And Wait and Wait and wait. Finally afters nearly 9 hours of waiting my orders were cleared up and my meds were rocking and a rolling through my veins. Given that it was already 6pm, the doctors invited me to spend the night at the hospital. Their thoughts were a pregnant woman, high risk, pissed off, probably shouldn't drive home after a late start and completion to her treatment around midnight! I agreed. Called Hubbs-to-be and shared the news, tucked in for the night and fell asleep listening to the sounds of my meds flowing via IV into my body and Baby DIVA toes tickling my ribs. I will let you know that i did display an elevated blood pressure during this whole ordeal, mostly we assumed it was because I was not very happy with the hospital staff.
The next morning came along. And since I hadn't planned on spending the night, I had no clean underwear. If you have ever been pregnant you know this is soooooooo not a good thing. For some reason the nunu tries to eat all underwear during pregnancy and the need to change them often is very great. Not something most people know, but definitely something a pregnant woman gets annoyed at! So you can imagine the fabulous mood I was in right? Add that to just the overall fatness of being 30 weeks preggo and being in a hospital and it was no wonder that my blood pressure was up. Oh and the breakfast sucked. Again not something you want to do. Take an already pissy pregnant woman with dirty undies and feed her disgusting food. Not good at all!!
So anyway I may have failed to mention to you and the doctors that I had been having some vision issues in the few days before this lovely event. BAM!! not leaving. Nope! After I dropped that bomb, Going for some tests was in my future, yuck undies and all. Okay so off i went. 5 hours, I kid you not 5 hours later I was wheeled back to my room and my fabulous Dr was there to greet me. He asked them to take my blood pressure. 170/110. Not good.
He gave me this look. I knew before the words even came out of his mouth! "We need to get your baby out for your safety and the baby's safety." I began to panic. Baby DIVA was only 30 weeks tummy growth. Tear streamed down my cheeks. I called Hubbs-to-be. All he got was the sound of my crying. Poor dude. I bet his big heart jumped through his chest. Called my mom, sobbing. This little event of course did wonders for my blood pressure. Nurses were racing all around me. Steroid shot was swiftly given to help Baby DIVA's little lungs mature. IV's were placed "just in case". Okay that freaked me out some. The "just in case" was not my friend any more. I was sobbing sobbing sobbing. Finally the Dr left the room and the nurses calmed me down. My blood pressure came down. Not much but enough not to do an emergency birth of a 30 week gestation Baby DIVA. I was told I was on bed rest indefinitely. Wow I thought. It is October 27 and I am due on Christmas day. My ASS is gonna be HUGE!!!!
So my Dr and I worked out a deal and pinky swore. He would not take Baby DIVA from her womb hotel just yet, if I promised to stay flat in bed for the duration. I must monitor my blood pressure and if it begins to climb then the eviction notice to Baby DIVA would HAVE to be served. I pinky swore that I would follow his orders. And I did. I missed my work baby shower. Lucky for me, Hubbs-to-be and I worked at the same company. So he went on to the shower and let me be there via phone, and he brought me a plate of yummies later that night! Too cool. That shower just happened to be on Halloween last year! Awwww and now I am getting married on Halloween!
I laid in the bed for what seemed like forever, day 1 completed nicely. HAHA. What came as a shock to me occurred on about day 4 or 5. I begin to feel my body relax. Baby DIVA and I began to have a closer connection. She responded more to my voice and my movements. I then realized that working was in fact stressing my bod out to the max. I had no idea until I took a forced step away from my life what I was doing to myself and my unborn Baby DIVA. And that was it. That was the moment that I knew my life was forever changed. I no longer lived for me. I lived for those toes that were aggravating my ribs. It was in that moment I knew I need to change my life and be there for my little Baby DIVA. Forced bed rest allowed me to become the woman I am today. The motherr I am today. the wifey to be I am today. It was the defining moment of my evolvment into motherhood and domestication. I momement that I hold very near to my heart. That day gave me the glimpse of my destiny!
So I changed my ways. I begin a quest to find a way to work from home. At first it was more of a dream. I never thought I would actually be able to pull it off. But thankfully for bed rest, I was able to research the possibility and really pursue it. Unfortunately lying in bed did not help my forever climbing blood pressure. Soon my quest was put on hold and I was thrust into another sudden change.
I was being monitored very closely by the doctors. Twice a week visits that involved ultrasounds and contractions monitors and close watch of the blood pressure. One month into bed rest, the Monday before Thanksgiving, My Dr gone a vacay to celebrate turkey day, one month early for Baby DIVA's arrival; I went in for a checkup. Contractions were observed every 6-8 minutes, although I didn't know. And then the Blood pressure revealed my destiny. 180/120. Baby DIVA was served her eviction notice. I was 34 weeks 5 days. It was time. It was too risky for Baby DIVA to stay in her womb hotel and too Risky for me to keep her there. So there I go again making those crazy phone calls. No tears this time. I was scared but I knew this needed to be done. And honestly I was DONE! I wanted to hold this wonderful creature and love on her for the rest of eternity.
These pics were taken the day before bed rest!
So off I went to be induced. baby DIVA was on her way. 1 month early! A turkey day babe instead of a Christmas day babe for this Pink Haired Momma.
So you see today is a day for me to always remember. A day that set in to motion a changed woman. A day that made me wake up and realize that I am a domesticated Pink Haired Momma. My daughter, hubbs-to-be and my life are by far the most important things in the world to me. My career although fun and rewarding means nada in the wake of this fabulous discovery on my part! I love my daughter more than words can describe. I am thankful that I received this little wake up call of bed rest that guided me into the life I have now as a WAHM and the best Pink Haired Momma I can be.
Monday, October 26, 2009
5 days to go and my first disaster!!!!
I got an email today alerting me to the fact that MASKS are prohibited in the hotel in Las Vegas where my wedding is to take place on Halloween. Not usually a big deal except I just happen to have a masquerade ball wedding theme! Complete with the entire wedding party wearing masks as well as the guests wearing masks! UMMMMMMM BRIDEZILLA IS COMING UNDONE!!!
I spent months hunting the perfect masks for the guests. I finally found authentic handmade and painted venetian masks! I will be so upset if my favors for my guests are not able to be utilized! Never mind the fact that my entire wedding party is designed around the bridal party masks!
So my coordinator is currently working on it. Speaking with heads of this and heads of that. I now get to sit and wait until tomorrow morning to find out if my wedding will go as planned!
Dang it! Just when I was so excited to sit and relax knowing everything was a go, everything was ready, no worries what so ever! Then BAM!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
9 days and counting! Ramblings of a soon to be Bride!
We are in the single digits countdown to our wedding! I am sweating pink bullets. Little pink ponds are being left all over Houston as I wander aimlessly about town. Beware my friends! A crazed bride to be Pink Haired Momma is on the loose!
So are we ready? Not Exactly.
Vegas is almost wrapped up. We just need to pack. Oh, and overnight ship a bunch of stuff to ourselves, because YES! it is so much cheaper to overnight our luggage than to pay for it to go on the plane! Pretty wild huh!! Rings have been purchased and are ready. Masks are en route as I type. Dress is in its special little transport bag and waiting its departure to Las Vegas. Hot pink shoes and diamond flip flops are waiting patiently to be packed, but I love looking at them so I will leave them out a few more days. Hubbs-to-be picks up his tux on Tuesday! Bridesmaid and groomsmen gifts are ready to be placed in our adoring attendants hands. Baby DIVA is psyched about her first plane ride! My mom picked up her fabulous Mother of the bride dress today, and I must say she looks stunning! I LOVE it! So all in all Vegas is ready...HERE WE COME!
Now on to the hometown reception. Zoltar is excited about making an appearance for my wedding. The arcade games and photo booth are ready for delivery. The food planning and organizing is in the works. I am ready to get to boiling water and make the 2500 Jell-o shots before the reception. Cant promise I wont "test" the edible creations. The balloon release is almost complete. The tree and location have been selected for the tree planting ceremony. Favors have arrived and are ready to be put together. DJ is set. Plates, cups etc are a go. Tables and chairs and tents are a go. The alcohol and bartender are set. Honestly that being said do I really need to say more. hahah just kidding. Hometown reception is coming along very nice. As soon as we come home from Las Vegas, we will be working like mad to complete all the final details. But it should be fabulous! Even if we are hungover I mean exhausted from Las Vegas and only have 4 days to get everything together!!
I can not wait! I am so excited to be Hubbs-to-be's wifey! I am so excited to share a last name with my daughter and husband. I am terrified of busting my butt while walking down the aisle. I am afraid of getting the massive giggle attack during our vows and not being able to talk. I am terrified I am going to be "that" person on the plane who travels with a baby. I am not afraid of hitting the bottle as soon as the plane takes off, maybe a little sooner! LOL.
Wow. In 9 long days I will be a wife. I will be married. I really will be a Domesticated Pink Haired Momma with a daughter who is almost one and a fabulous husband and a fantastic life. When the heck did that happen??? And how did I get so dang lucky?
Time out for mom
And this week I report I was a huge FAILURE!!! We had a lovely family outing last weekend with Love to Shop Mom and her clan, but no alone momma time. Monday and Tuesday brought upon some fabulous tummy troubles for this mom. So I guess laying in the bathroom vomiting while daddy watched Baby DIVA could sort of be alone mommy time out time, but I promise you it is not an hour I ever want to participate in again. I am very sad that the tummy bug kept me from my usual mommy time out Nightclub cardio class. I feel the backside of me has enlarged a whole doughnut size. Or is more of a cupcake....Dangit! BIG FAILURE!!
I also snagged an at home job! GO ME!! I had a 3 hour training course this week, by myself, locked in our cold office. Does that count? NAH, I didn't think so either. Although I am thrilled to pieces to have a flexible work from home gig that lends us the ability to have some cash flow, it is still work and is NOT private momma time. FAILURE!!!
I am hoping to snag some quiet ME momma moments here in the next few days. With our Big Wedding looming and only 9 days away, I need those quiet minutes to keep this Pink Hair on my head on not yanked out by the roots and laying on the floor!!! Good luck fellow Theta Mom time outters! I am off to live vicariously through your mommy moments!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Award winning fool
Hubbs-to-be needs a name
I chatted it up with hubbs-to-be and we came up with a few names that could possibly replace the hubbs-to-be name status. Now, I am at a loss, and do not know which to chose. So I am leaving it to you, my fabulous blogosphere Friends. I would like you to chose what name you would like to see Hubbs-to-be taken on after our fabulous nuptials in 10 days!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
A Toilet Review
We use Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Gel in our bowls around the Pink Haired Momma house. Our toilets have a very clean appearance and the gel works fabulous. It is so simple to use. Even Hubbs-to-be has mastered how to put the gel in the toilet. You open the package. Put the wand on the inside of the bowl and push. It is kind of like using a wand with play dough. After you give the wand a little push, a cute little blob of blue gel sticks to the side of your toilet bowl. It hangs out there cleaning and deodorizing silently for up to an entire week while I the Pink Haired Momma do not have to be concerned with sticking my hands in the bowl and giving it a scrub scrub! I LOVE it! The scent of the gel is a tad bit strong on the "clean" end of the spectrum, however it keeps my bowls a sparkling, so I don't mind the overpowering smell too much.
Well that was before the puke fest the last few days. Sure my bowls are quite sparkly as I lean in to spill my guts, but the smell is horrendous! I don't really care to see my sparkly reflection as I heave my insides to the porcelain god, I would much rather have dingy bowls and no smell. I think half of my stomach problem was the fact that I had to catch a disgusting whiff of the sparkling clean bowls each time I heaved. Seriously, if you are in the market to be a professional puker anytime soon (ie geting your self knocked up in the near future), I highly recommend steering clear of this awesome gel. You will be nesting anyway so you wont give a crap about cleaning the bowl, but the smell will push you over the edge of barfhood!!
Toilet Bowls STINK
2 weeks until my big day. I have hundreds of things to do. I have "I's" to dot and "t's" to cross. But what am I doing? I am sniffing the inside of m toilet bowls ever hour or so as I barf up my toes! Yep that is right. I managed to catch myself a doozie of a bug. It is nasty. It is gross. I feel awful. I hate barfing! I am being forced to lie in bed or beside my friend nasty smell toilet all day and all night. Poor Baby DIVA wants to play and I can not. I scared her so much she pooped her pants when I heaved yesterday. Possibly sympathy? Ahhhh such a good girl. Moms are not supposed to get sick. It is too hard to be a mom and be sick at the same time. Seriously diaper duty while tummy bug is in full force should be outlawed!!! Maybe I will open a new company, if i ever stop sniffing toilets, that offers SAH moms daycare of their babes while they are sick!!
I am such a super mom! At least when I was pregnant there was a "prize" at the end of the game. Not with this toilet sniffing session. Nope! No prize. Not even a few pounds lost, cause yes I am checking!! I mean if you are are gonna get the barfs right before our wedding at least drop some pounds. Nope!
So I now leave you so that I can go drop my Pink Haired head back in the toilet for some nasty barf sniffs!
Friday, October 16, 2009
WINNER ucanmakethis
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Howdy and good morning folks!
A big CONGRATULATIONS to the winner of the My Little Pony Twinkle Wish DVD Bonnie at Where did this all come from?. Bonnie, you have 48 hours to contact me via email (just click the contact button at the top of my blog) with your acknowledgement of of your fabulous win.
Congratulations to you! Enjoy the My Little Pony Twinkle Wish DVD. Baby DIVA thought it rocked! And so did I!
Time out for mom Thursday
I actually was granted 2 momma hours!! AHHHHHHH! Can you believe it? Hubbs to be and Baby DIVA spent some daddy daughter time together on Saturday morning while this Pink Haired Momma headed out to spend some moola. I went to my favorite thrift store and found some awesome deals for Baby DIVA. Click HERE to read about my fabulous finds.
Then On Tuesday Night, Hubbs-to-be and Baby DIVA enjoyed an evening alone as I headed out to my Nightclub Cardio class. I love this class. The instructors are awesome. The lights are turned off so no one can see my tired old flabby momma body fat flapping like mad as I shake my bootie all over the dance floor. Seriously this has got to be my most favorite dance/exercise class ever. The incorporation of the "fun" attitude you have at a club scene (well you know back when we did the club scene like 12 years ago) and the aerobics, dance moves, stretches and strength training is just fabulous. I could not ask for a better Free mommy hour!! I feel fabulous after this workout. Beat up and abused just like every other day in the life of a mom! The only difference is I am doing it without Baby DIVA on my hip and screaming in my ear!
I had so many people comment and email me expressing a ton of interest in this class after my post last week. I was shocked at the response. So I went and talked with the instructors and I found out they have a short video of the class that I can share with you today! I also found out we can host a "momma night" of Nightclub Cardio. So if you are reading this blog and you are in the Houston, Texas area and you might be interested in participating in the "momma night" of Nightclub cardio, email me or leave me a comment with your contact info ie. you email. I will see how many people we have interested and get us signed up for a "momma night". Now sit back and Enjoy this video! It runs through about 5-6 minutes of what goes on in the class. I am telling you, it is tons of fun! Fabulous!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Pink Haired Momma gets awarded
Heather over at Two Little Monkeys plus Hubby popped in here at Pink Haired Momma's and awarded me with the Best Blog Award! I feel so special! Thank you so much! Now I am hoping to make other folks have a little smile as I also stalk the blogosphere for my 5 favorite blogs who deserve the Best Blog award!
Okay on to the rules:
The Best Blog Award rules are:
To accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link. Pass the award to 5 other blogs that you have recently discovered and think are great! Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. So here are my picks for "The Best Blog Award"
1. Jamie @ Love To Shop Mom
2. Rikki @ It is a Princess Life
3. Kati@ Lady Bug Mama of 2
4. Lauren @ Mommy is rock n roll
5.Candy@ Serendipity Mommy
These 5 blogs are fabulous. A couple are new finds, but a few are some blogs that I go to EVERY single day. They are fabulous and totally deserve some happy thoughts and smiles with the BEST BLOG AWARD!!!
And just to demonstrate my luckiness these days, Michele over at Finding Trinity, jumped on over here to Pink Haired Momma's blog, had herself some giggles and then awarded me with a Fabulous award! The Honest Scrap Award! I Love it! Michele has a wonderful blog that is full of all kinds of information that can definitely bring a smile to your face. I stop by every morning just to keep a grin going on my Pink Haired Face! And if you pop on over to her blog right now, you will find some hilarious "honest truths"!!
Here are the rules:
1) Present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.
2) Tell those 7 people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving the award.
3) Share "10 Honest Things" about myself.
Okay so 10 HONEST things about me. Hmmmmmm
1. I have always wanted to be and still secretly dream of being a playboy bunny. Fat rolls and all these days. In my dream I am a hot thin momma with the boobs I am sporting right now!
2. I have no idea what I am doing as a mom. I wing it every single day.
3. I was the illustrator of lipstick graffiti on the girls bathroom wall one time when I was in high school. No one ever knew it was me. They do now.
4. I have no idea what color my hair is naturally.
5. I am honestly as happy as I have ever been.
6. I have broken my foot while simply walking. TWICE.
7. I had every intention of being an organic super pink haired mom. Baby DIVA is snacking on canned chicken Vienna wienies as I type.
8. I really love being a stay at home mom and a domesticated wifey to be. I do not miss the corporate world AT ALL.
9. I used to snoop in my roommates rooms! hahahaha sorry guys, I did!
10. I pretend that "I don't know how", a lot. Mostly because I do not want to get stuck doing yet another something but also because I can be lazy!
And Now I proudly Award these 7 fabulous folks and their fabulous blogs with the Honest Scrap Award! And I am coming over to read your Honest Truths!! So get a typing!
1. Bonnie @ Where did all this come from
2. Carly @ WADS wives and daughters
3. Pixie @ Pixie's world of wonder
4. Domesticated Gypsy
5. Vicky @ Frugal mom knows best
6. Chelsea @ Chelsea Said So
7.chelle @ Creative Momma
And there you have it! I am blessed by some awesome bloggy friends who have awarded me with some fabulous awards. I wear them proudly. Please visit the blogs I have in turn awarded as they are all fabulous and your life will not be complete unless you visit. Promise!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Tuesday Tidbit
I have a fabulous thrift store that I swing by at least once a week. Baby DIVA has received some fabulous items from this favorite shopping hole of mine. For instance I got her a Playskool Step Start Walk n' Ride, that is used but you can hardly tell. It just has some scuffs on the wheels. I got it for $3 at my thrifty store whilst it goes for $24 at the store! Wooohooo!
And that is not all. Baby DIVA has all kinds of Pink Haired Momma finds to play with and wear. This last weekend I went to my thrift store, on a Saturday which is unusual. I came home wit ha fabulous goodie bag for my Baby DIVA. Inside this goodie bag I had the greatest find EVER!!
A fabulous leopard print fur coat with Pink Satin lining for Baby DIVA. Sure it is a tad big, but don't all coats need to be big? So It still had the tags on and is soooooo cute AND it was only $4!!!
My Tuesday Tidbit is don't worry about buying secondhand items. I was so worried about it while I was pregnant. I wanted MY baby to have all new items. Well then I was slapped into reality with the birth of my Baby DIVA. To keep her in the style she need to kept in order to keep her Diva status, this momma has found thrifts stores fabulous! Find one near you soon, if you have not already!
Happy Tuesday!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Pink Hair Makes you LUCKY!!!!!
Check it out! Pink Haired momma has been winning prizes and awards like mad. Roulette table here I come!
First I won a fabulous giveaway over at Love To Shop Mom . Love To Shop Mom has a fabulous blog with tons of information about blogging, products and fun loving stories about her little Diva! I received my prize courtesy of My Pair Tree , and immediately put it to work. It is really awesome. I am a flip flop wearing fool and this awesome helper now lives by my front door and my shoes have a home, which Hubbs-to-be is very excited about. This is also fabulous because Baby DIVA had recently started to enjoy Flip flop hunting. And chewing on the flops once she "catches" them. Not so cool!! So my prize arrived via fed ex. When I opened up the package, I discovered a fabulously wrapped up Pair Tree. It was so cute that I tore right into it. Then on the back of the packaging I found the most awesome gift. A handwritten note from the president of My Pair Tree congratulating me on my win. I am a customer for life with this company. I think that is amazing customer service and I am incredibly happy!! Thank you so much Love To Shop Mom and My Pair Tree !!
Then I was blog stalking one night and happened upon this fabulous blog The Penny Pinchin Mama . Oh my goodness her blog is just so awesome. And she had this super cool giveaway running for a $25 gift certificate to a super fun store called Bare Bellies. I played around on Bare Bellies for a while and really liked their stuff, so I entered Penny Pinching momma's giveaway. Well what do you know Pink Haired Momma popped up the winner. Again I am totally tickled and excited that I won a $25 gift certificate to Bare Bellies. Baby DIVA is getting some new clothes from Bare Bellies!! Thank you so much The Penny Pinchin Mama and Bare Bellies.
And that is not all!
I was minding my own business, blog stalking, tweetin, and generally being a silly Pink Haired Momma when all of a sudden Lynn over at Midday Escapes awarded me with the Kreativ Blogger award! How awesome is that. I am so touched! Thank you so much Lynn! I am humbled that she awarded me with Kreativ Blogger, because if you scoot over to Midday Escapes right now you will find and a very cool, very Fabulous, Kreativ blog by Lynn! Go check her out! thank you again Lynn! You rock!
So there you have it! I am on a winning spree! I sure hope it lasts. I mean I sure wouldn't mind coming home married and rich! Let my luck continue!
Happy Monday folks!