Thursday, January 14, 2010

Brussel Sprouts

Here is a super quick, easy recipe that will slip some greens into the meal!

Brussel sprouts on cheddar toast! H4L and Baby DIVA loved it!

1 bag frozen brussel sprouts
1 can Hunts garlic diced tomatoes
bread: your choice
Thinly sliced cheddar cheese
Saute brussel sprouts and garlic diced tomatoes until tender.
Place a think slice of cheddar on each toast and sprinkle with a little paprika.
Bake at 350 until just melted. Remove from oven.
Spoon hot brussel sprout mixture onto just melted cheese toasts and bake another 3-5 minutes.
Serve hot!

* I saw this recipe in a magazine at some point, honestly can not recall which one. It is not the exact recipe from the magazine. I made up my own based on what I had seen in the past.

1 comment:

  1. VERY cool recipe! I am always looking for ways to sneak veggies into our diets here! You know how it is with kids. You know what I do A LOT? I put veggies inside quesidillas. They are so easy to disguise in there and mixed in with can't go wrong!


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