Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Baby Tears and Prizes

Oh Baby DIVA is so not feeling well at all today. She is Miss Fussy Pants! Has a light fever and did I mention she is FUSSY!! I tried to do a DIVA photo shoot today. Fussy Babes and camera's do not really mix well at all. But here on some pics from our shoot anyway! You can see that poor Baby DIVA was less than impressed with Pink Haired Momma's enthusiasm today!

In hopes of our Baby DIVA feeling better soon, a fellow mom blogger has a great giveaway going on and I signed up! You should too. Your little one would enjoy the prize in this giveaway, I promise!! Check it out HERE!


  1. Aww poor Baby Diva! I hope she feels better soon.

  2. a photo shoot w/ a boa and tiara... AWESOME! Come back to IV please... you are so light hearted and fun... we could use some of that.

  3. Rikki!
    Thanks I hope she feels better soon too! She is snuggled with her daddy right now!

  4. Nicole!!
    I stroll through the SB board about once a week. I will try to jump back in the game! I always had fun there!!

  5. Peanut has that onesie too!

  6. Thanks so much for the link..I almost peed my pants when I saw it! Also, could your baby be any cuter!!

  7. Thank you so much Pink Bleeder!!! I think she is pretty ding dang cute myself! LOL. I did pee myself at that link: post pregnancy joy! j/k


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