Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday Tidbit

I have been feeling somewhat crafty lately. I am beginning to think that at the birth of a child every women begins to grow a craft seed. And soon this craft seed makes a bloom and POOF your off to being a crafty momma. In a perfect world this Pink Haired Momma would pick out something crafty from a Martha Stewart Magazine and again POOF make the same craft at home and it be absolutely perfect. Well this world sure ain't perfect, and this Pink Haired Momma is still in the embryonic stages of being a crafty Pink Haired Momma. And also this Pink Haired Momma likes things to be a little off beat so Martha may not be a good role model!! LOL So I scour books, magazines and the net to find cool yet simple crafts to make that will fulfill my yearning to be creative without totally pissing me off because I cant do it on try one! LOL

And I have found some fabulous simple crafty thingies to do that are amazing and anyone can replicate. I mean if Pink Haired Momma can do it, you definitely can do it.
This is a totally cool little crafty idea for a gift. We are all struggling these days during the economic downspin. But birthdays, graduations, weddings and such do not just go away during a bad economic time. I still like to try and provide those I love with a really cool gifts on their special day. So I came across these really cool ways to fold dollar bills into t-shirts!
Take $20 in one dollar bills and fold up some shirts paperclip them to a painted popsicle stick (or decorated in anyway that is appropriate to the receiver), place dollars on popsicles sticks in a bouquet and VOILA a very cute presentation of a gift and the recipient can spend the $20 on whatever they truly need.

Hot Diggity Dog! Super Easy and cute!!

Click the link below and and you can see how!!


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